
3 Easy Ways to Stay Calm, Focused and Productive at Work

Do you find yourself feeling rushed at work, with thoughts that you’re not doing enough or are not good enough, and lying awake at night worrying about what you did or didn’t do? Welcome to faulty thinking. Today we’ll discuss three easy ways to stay calm, focused and productive at work. 

Many of us spend a significant amount of time at work, often feeling overwhelmed and consumed by our thoughts. The constant barrage of emails, meetings, and deadlines can make it challenging to stay focused and productive. However, there are a few effective methods that can help you avoid getting bogged down by your thoughts at work. 

In this episode, we’ll cover

* Setting work boundaries
* Leaving white space in your diary
* Taking time to reflect

Set work boundaries 

One of the most important things you can do to avoid being overwhelmed by your thoughts at work is to set clear boundaries. This means establishing specific times when you will work and when you will take breaks. It also means setting limits on how much time you will spend on certain tasks. 

To set boundaries, start by identifying your most important work priorities and then allocate specific times of the day to work on them. Be sure to also allocate time for breaks, as they will help you stay refreshed and focused. 

Leave white space in your diary 

Another method for avoiding overwhelm is to leave some “white space” in your diary.  

This means deliberately scheduling time for nothing, or for activities that you enjoy, such as exercise, hobbies, or spending time with friends and family. 

In my experience, this is often the hardest thing for people to do! I certainly was challenged by, the idea of working fewer hours and yet still producing the same amount and quality of work.  

Could that happen? Yes, it absolutely can.  

Having white space in your diary is SO important. It helps you avoid burnout and gives you time to recharge your batteries. It also helps you maintain perspective, as you will have time to reflect on your work and consider new ideas. 


As a coach, I know that most people DON’T reflect on the day’s events or what they’ve achieved. Instead, they take it home with them and wake up at 1am to ruminate on it and their to-do list for the next three hours! 

But making time to reflect on your thoughts and experiences can be really helpful in managing overwhelm at work. It means that you’re allowing space in the day to problem solve, get clarity, mentally organise or expand on concepts. 

How do you reflect? Reflection can involve journaling, meditation, or simply taking a few minutes to pause and think about the events of your day including what went well, what you might have done differently, or to think more deeply about situations and outcomes. 

A wonderful benefit of reflection is that it can help you identify patterns and habits that may be contributing to your feelings of being overwhelmed. It can also help you gain clarity and perspective on your work and help you to identify some tangible opportunities for personal growth and development. 


To sum things up, managing overwhelm at work is about setting boundaries, creating space for yourself, and taking time to reflect.  

By incorporating these three methods into your work routine, you can avoid becoming consumed by your thoughts and stay focused, productive, and happy at work. 

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